Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice leverages the strengths of video games as a medium and delivers an experience that is unlike anything else released this year. The game also expands the formula with numerous spells and new marching monsters and units, and the resulting concoction is a strategy game that both Warhammer and Total War fans are guaranteed to love. The addition of the Vortex campaign and a wider variety of quests far exceed the experience of the original. Battles are not long, arduous, drawn-out affairs, nor do they end too quickly for you to appreciate the size and force of what you're seeing. In addition, the scale and enormity of its combat is unparalleled, especially in the Mortal Empires campaign, which combines everything from the first game with everything you see in Total War: Warhammer II.

This sequel adds a sense of dynamism and urgency to a series where many players feel safe slowly creeping across the campaign map, knowing that even if their front line falls, their home cities are stoic and safe. At the same time, the game better utilizes its narrative, tapping into the decades of lore that the Warhammer franchise now consists of. With the second installment, developer The Creative Assembly has expanded the mechanics of the first, while still retaining its sandbox structure. Total War: Warhammer II is one of the most well-crafted strategy games in PC gaming history. Now Playing: Top 5 PC Games Of 2017 - Best Of 2017 Here's what PC gamers can look forward to.By clicking 'enter', you agree to GameSpot's Some of the best games of 2016 are coming to the PC, from every genre ranging from action, adventure, puzzle, strategy, racing, and RPG. Someofthebestgamesof2016arecomingtothePC,fromeverygenrerangingfromaction,adventure,puzzle,strategy,racing,andRPG.Here'swhatPCgamerscanlookforwardto.★Subscribeformore.